Research Document

Western State Colorado University

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cellular Malfunction:

The Major Root Cause of Disease

Troy Hyyppa

Western State Colorado University

Gunnison, Colorado 81230

            Perfect health requires faultless circulation within the general practice of basic natural principles: sleep, exercise, fresh clean water, temperance in activities and proper nutrition, sunlight, abstinence from harmful things, and clean fresh air. The lack of any of these principles will bring on disease. It is little known there is only one true disease, mainly from acid build up, creating a fermentation process, allowing bacteria, germs and virus to clean up the mess. Allopathic medicine approaches the cold and flu as an invading bacteria, viruses and germs, childhood diseases with vaccines and only to use drugs in the attempt to destroy the invaders. What happens when we do not take out the trash? Bacteria begins to form.  If we leave the bathroom unsanitized, germs begin to grow. These visitors come to do the job we failed to do. The human body functions the same way. We need to consider and realize the dormant presence of viruses and bacteria already present in our environment, in and around us. Yet even with this plethora of viruses and bacteria, we still maintain health most of the time. Our internal bacteria are finding the trash we have forgotten to take out and from the poor nutrition we think is good food. The lack of any nutritional element will cause a disruption of the homeostasis of the human body. Modern allopathic medicine often overlooks the role of these basic natural principles treating only the patient’s symptoms, rather than the root cause of the illness, by non nutritional drugs and surgery not its root cause. Health care providers need to realize a deficiency in any mineral, vitamin, and enzyme leading to the failure of cellular respiration and blood flow will cause cellular malfunction and the formation of disease.

Human Chemistry: What are we made of?

            Living cells contain anywhere from 65 to 90% water by weight with most of the body's mass is oxygen. Carbon, the basic building block of organic compounds, is second in line. The top six body elements - oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus - account for about 99% of the body's mass.  “With 88 trace elements which are detectable in nearly any soil on Earth, which elements needed for life is relatively common in the Earth's crust” (Harper). The human body is a mineral storage bank need to run and supply the human frame to live and to be free of disease.

            The food of the human body is not so much the burgers, fries and coke of the American diet, but the raw sources nature provides in living foods.  Materials used by the human cells are carbohydrates (glucose) the fuel, proteins, fats, coenzymes of vitamins, and minerals. Each of these raw materials is extracted from food that we eat through our digestive system. “Glucose is used to provide energy (ATP) by oxidative respiration. Fats are used as cellular membranes and to store energy in liver and muscle tissues. Proteins are used for many purposes, including enzymes, structural proteins, and muscle” (Campbell). Vitamins and minerals are very important in enzymatic reactions necessary in metabolic functions. Then water being one of the most important raw materials which is the universal solvent. If through our daily routine we develop a headache and we reach for an Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, it must be that our body was lacking the nutrition of one of these over the counter medications. Most headaches are caused thy dehydration or constipation or both in our system.
Source of Disease

.           In 1936 a Congressional investigation into U.S. farming practices was undertaken due to degenerative disease increasing in America which was believed because of our depleted soils. Foods grown on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough minerals creating malnutrition. Dr. Linus Pauling, addressing the 74th Congress, 2nd Session, declared: “Every ailment, every sickness, and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency.”  (U.S. Senate Document 264 1) Included in this same hearing, was the work of Dr. Charles Northen, a document titled “Modern Miracle Men.”  “That no man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health. That 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in only one of the more important minerals actually results in disease” (U.S. Senate Doc 264 1). The stomach, which the hydrochloric acid levels need to be in the range of 3-4 pH is needed for the digestive enzymes to properly absorb vitamins and minerals from the food. Dr. Northen stated: “It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body’s appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless” (2 U.S. Doc 264).

            Nutrients in the food are broken down in the stomach to be absorbed in the intestinal track to be given to the blood for transport. When children were treated for intestinal failure, children with intestinal failure exhibit a high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies during intestinal rehabilitation. “The cohort of 30 children (mean age 5 yrs, range 2–9; 18 male) had median PN duration of 23 weeks. 42% of patients had at least one vitamin deficiency and 80% at least one mineral deficiency. 70% had at least one vitamin deficiency and 77% had at least one mineral deficiency, with the most common deficiencies being vitamin D (68%), zinc (67%), and iron deficiency (37%)” (Chi-fu Jeffrey Yang).  It is evident; to treat disease is to look at the diet and welfare of the people, not drug interactions to cure or to promote health
Prime Cause of Cancer

            In the war against cancer to find a cause, “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause which is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar” (Warburg). Also wrote about oxygen’s relationship to the pH of cancer cells’ internal environments. Since fermentation was a major metabolic pathway of cancer cells, Warburg reported cancer cells maintain a lower pH, as low as 6.0 due to lactic acid production and elevated carbon dioxide. He believed there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen. Higher pH means higher concentration of oxygen molecules, while lower pH means lower concentration of oxygen.

Creation of Allopathic Medicine

            Fermentation and its causes were the research and the life to two prominent scientist of the 1900 century, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp. Their research created the formation of the Allopathic medicine approach still used to this day. Bechamp’s position was that diseased tissue ferments releasing bacteria on their own attracting germs without the help from air borne bacteria which helps in eliminating or removing it from the system. Pasteur’s position, is that disease is created from the outside invading bacteria and that diseased tissue fermenting does not spontaneous release bacteria. In the article Louis Pasteur: Fermentation, and a Rival,” presents an analysis concerning two eminent scientists, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, and their dispute over the first demonstration of fermentation by living organisms. Pasteur's studies on fermentations led to a protracted dispute with a contemporary Béchamp, over the priority of his findings which is maintained to this day.
            In Bechamp’s book, The Third Element of the Blood, he argues all natural organic matters (matters that once lived), absolutely protected from atmospheric germs, invariably and spontaneously alter and ferment, because they necessarily and inherently contain within themselves the agents of their spontaneous alteration, digestion, dissolution. The production of the chemical-physiological phenomena of transformations called fermentation, acid base, which are facts of nutrition, that is to say, of digestion followed by absorption, assimilation, and dissimilation. Finally, the ability to reproduce itself if all conditions dependent upon nutrition are fulfilled; scientifically proved that bacteria, virus, germs themselves do not produce disease, but the aftermath of it.

Modern Germ Theory of Disease

            Pasteur is praised and held in admiration for his work in the creation of modern medicine, “He is considered the most notable medical scientist of his time and perhaps one of the most distinguished of all times in the history of medicine” (Toledo-Pereyra 4). The genius of Pasteur dealt with the most pressing issues of his time, basing the germ theory on the effects that microorganisms had on fermentation and putrefaction of organic matter, which gave birth to the science of bacteriology.The transformation of the surgical world arose from the antiseptic concepts of Lister that were based on the germ theory of the disease” (Toledo-Pereyra 4). which had been derived from the germ theory of fermentation and putrefaction discovered by Pasteur.

            Allopathic medicine is based upon the work of Louis Pasteur, that bacteria, germs, and virus are the cause of disease, which they are attacking us from without and not caused within. It is the belief of this author, that if bacteria, germs, and virus are present in the body, it is because they were invited. They are activated due to a suitable environment to survive and clean up diseased tissues and cells because of malnutrition in a low or high pH.

pH the Foundation for Disease

            Acid base or acidosis is caused by a mineral deficiency, which can be caused by malnutrition, creating a fertile environment to bacteria. Bacteria live and feed in an acidic environment which has high hydrogen and low oxygen base. Metabolic enzymes are found to denature rapidly around pH 5.5 - 5.0, and the rate of denaturation increased steeply with hydrogen ion concentration, such that reduction of pH by 1 unit resulted in a 2500-fold increase in rate (Elsevier Inc). Health is also very important to DNA when it is synthesis, mineral availability is crucial. Zinc and magnesium is required for the stabilization of the nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). In fact, all RNA polymerases (I, II, III) are zinc metalloid enzymes (Grattan 648-675). Supplementation of zinc and through trandsermal magnesium chloride has been shown to promote DNA synthesis while depletion of this mineral inhibits DNA synthesis and its presence in nucleoli has been known for over 50 years. Zinc is a trace mineral which is vital for the functioning of numerous cellular processes, is critical for growth, and may play an important role in cancer etiology and outcome. After the delivery of of children, women can suffer from postpartum depression, in the article  Iranian Journal of Psychiatry Various pathophysiologies are proposed for postpartum depression: “Nutritional deficiencies, iron deficiency anemia, rapid decrease in the levels of reproductive hormones following delivery, alterations in hypothalamic–pituitary–adernocortical mechanism and alterations in neurotransmitter levels” (Etebary).  Among pathophysiologies of postpartum depression, the role of trace elements is highlighted. In order to perform their normal physiological functions, it is important that cells maintain the intracellular pH within the physiological range. It has been demonstrated that in nervous system diseases, such as ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, “Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease (AD), the common characteristics are decreased pH or acidosis at both tissular and cellular levels. Particularly, some AD-associated enzymes will have altered activities under acidic conditions. We inferred that aging or ischemia may cause intracellular acidification” (Boyan 6).  

            This acidification not only induces apoptosis (cell suicide) but also substantially alters enzyme activities and promotes the development of AD or vascular dementia. pH is a factor on a scale from 1 to 14 which measures the concentration of free hydrogen ions in the solution. As hydrogen ions increase the oxygen concentration decreases and the pH drops. Whereas, a decrease of hydrogen ions in solution which increases the oxygen concentration, the pH increases. In other words, it is a scale used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. “If conditions are too acidic, all minerals cannot be absorbed in the body and by our food source, the plant's root system”(Hatzinisiriou 1).

Allopathic Physicians Reveal Nutrition is Key to Recovery

A random-sample-mailed questionnaire was sent to 2,250 primary care physicians selected from the AMA master file from general practice. The main outcome measures were to determine time spent by physicians providing and percentage of patients receiving dietary counseling and to identify barriers to the delivery of nutrition counseling. Results, a 49% response rate was obtained are presented for the 1,030 physicians (70% private practice) with complete data. Over two-thirds of physicians provide dietary counseling to 40% or less of patients and spend 5 or fewer min discussing dietary changes. Despite this pattern, nearly three-quarters of respondents feel that dietary counseling is important and is the responsibility of the physician. Ranking of perceived barriers to delivery of dietary counseling were lack of time, patient noncompliance, inadequate teaching materials, lack of counseling training, lack of knowledge, inadequate reimbursement, and low physician confidence. “Conclusions, this survey suggests that multiple barriers exist that prevent the primary care practitioner from providing dietary counseling” (Kushner RF).

            When bacteria, germs, and viruses find a happy environment in our system and cause sickness, we run to the doctor to receive drugs and non-nutritional chemicals to treat a disease which was already was created internally by the lack of nutrition.  I believe that colds and flu are the body’s natural detoxification process, which is mainly caused by acidosis, cellular malfunction due to a toxic build up from poor nutrition environment, thoughts, and our actions affecting our pH. The human makeups are minerals, vitamins and our catalyst’s enzyme activity. Even when one of these essential elements is missing or out of balance with others, it is the beginning of disease which invites virus, germs, and bacteria to clean up the situation created by us internally. Bacteria, viruses, and germs are not the cause of disease, but the functions of disease already existing in the human system. Small nutritional deficiencies and toxicity affects the homeostasis of the body causing cell malfunction which, untreated, is the root cause of all disease. Western medicine today can be summed up as the experimental study of what happens to the human body and mind when poisonous chemicals are placed into mineral, vitamin, and malnourished people.

Works Cited
  • Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) The Third Element of The Blood, Antoine Béchamp, 1994.

  • Boyan, Dajiang Wang, International Journal of Neuroscience; Sep2010, Vol. 120 Issue 9, p591-   595, 5p. Hypothesis on the Relationship Between the Change in Intracellular pH and            Incidence of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease or Vascular Dementia. By Meifeng Huang1,           Guohua Yu1, Hua Li1. Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning          Medical College, Jinzhou,China. 2 Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA    General Hospital, Beijing, China

  • Chi-fu Jeffrey Yang, High Prevalence of Multiple Micronutrient Deficiencies in Children with       Intestinal Failure: A Longitudinal Study. Debora Duro, David Zurakowski, Michele Lee,       Tom Jaksic, Christopher Duggan. J Pediatr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 July 1. Published in final edited form as: J Pediatr. 2011 July; 159(1): 39–44.e1.        Published online 2011 February 16. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.12.049.

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  • Campbell, Biology, ninth edition, Reece, Urry, cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson, 2011, Chapters 1 through 10.

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  • Harper, H. A., V. W. Rodwell, P. A. Mayes, Review of Physiological Chemistry, 16th ed., Lange ,Medical Publications, Los Altos, California 1977.

  • Hatzinisiriou, Irene WHAT IS pH? From the Newsletter of the Early Mom AV Group, Inc.,  Australia. African Violet Magazine is the property of African Violet Society of America

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  • United States Senate Document 264:  Article “Modern Miracle Men”, Dr. Charles Northen, reprinted from Cosmopolitan, June 1936, presented by Rex Beach to the 74th Congress, 2nd    Session, 1936, addressing the 74th Congress, in the 1936. Linus Pauling. Dr,      

  • Warburg, Otto Heinrich, 1931 Noble prize for Physiology of Medicine. Otto H. Warburg, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, accessed October 30, 2007

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